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< Responsible Travel

Adventure Smart – how to be safe

The AdventureSmart experts want people to make the right decisions to ensure they have an enjoyable and safe adventure whatever their chosen activity. Encourage your visitors to ask themselves three vital questions.

  1. Am I confident that I have the knowledge and skills for the day?
  2. Do I know what the weather will be like?
  3. Do I have the right gear?

AdventureSmart UK has all the answers you need to have fun and be safe while exploring North East Wales.

Aventure Smart

Am I confident I have the knowledge and skills for the day?

Being AdventureSmart simply means that you are thinking about your own experience and skills and those of your companions. Remember to plan for the least able member of your group; it’s always best to retrace your steps or choose a different route or activity if conditions are challenging. Choosing an adventure that you know that is within your skillset is part of the fun – and if you want to do something that pushes beyond this, there are many ways to find a guide or instructor to help you.

Do I know what the weather will be like?

The weather has the potential to make or spoil your day. This doesn’t have to mean that a spot of drizzle or even a howling gale has to stop us in our tracks. Being prepared and adapting your plans is the key to being in control of your day. Check the weather forecast – the Met Office is a good place to start.

Do I have the right gear?

If that has prompted you to ask ‘what is the right gear?’ then you need help! Kit doesn’t need to be expensive but does need to keep you warm and dry. If your adventure involves heading out on the water then a well fitted and well-maintained buoyancy aid is essential.

Help spread the word

Right from the start, when people start to research their activity, through the booking process and repeatedly during their visit we want them to keep seeing the Adventure Smart messages.

If you run your own business take advantage of the Adventure Smart toolkit. It’s full of ready-to-go images, films and posters for your social media and website, confirmation emails and around your premises.